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The Plot

This game is about a mad scientist named Robert Winter. It is the year 2190 and America is in the midst of a nuclear war. Robert creates a nuclear bomb which he calls "Project zX". His son, David, tries to tell his father that the bomb is a terrible idea and that the bomb isn't well tested. Robert does not listen and plans to drop four bombs. One bomb lands right outside the facility the other three crash across america. The bomb knocks David from the facility in Maine, into the streets of Maine which are eerily desolate. David walks from maine to a cemetary in South West Philadelphia where he encounters a tough group of survivors. David is blind to the fact that bomb created zombies and joins the group to help fight back. The goal of the group is to find a cure for the ensuing Zombie Apocolypse.

This will probably be made using RPGMaker MX Ace, though i'm not sure yet.